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Popular attractions of California

2 posters

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1Popular attractions of California Empty Popular attractions of California Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:57 am


Yosemite National Park
Golden Gate Bridge
Joshua Tree National Park
Universal Studios Hollywood
Golden Gate Park
Guys! These are the popular attractions of California. I want to say that I have got a good experience with these places because these places are so beautiful and amazing for exploring so I like all these places and I want to going there again and again and I have enjoyed their photography and many other things. By the way, Guys! Have you visited these places?

Will you enjoy the niagara tours from nyc?

2Popular attractions of California Empty Re: Popular attractions of California Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:59 am

Aileen Jack

I have visited these sights and had a great time. now ponce again pondering to explore these attractions of California at once. I will ask you how many days are enough for visiting these places at once? Share your experience in detail.

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